June 29, 2012


I entered the amount of entries in random.org and the lucky winner is comment number four!

Congratulations, Clare!

Clare, said "Hey! I gave a shout out to your blog and the giveaway on my fb page :)

 You will recieve your soap shortly. Thanks for participating in my first giveaway!

"Praise be to the Trinity,
who is sound and life
and creator of the very life that animates all things,
and who is praised by the angelic host,
and who radiates the marvel of secrets
that are unknown to men,
and who in all things is the life" 
- St. Hildegard of Bingen


  1. YEA!!! Thanks Sarah and Anna!! Can;t wait for the soap :)

  2. Btw, Joey said "yes, of course!" To your question and we got the shirts in and will be mailing this week.


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